Friday, May 18, 2012

Rice and Veggies

brown riceBrown rice is probably our most flexible staple. We use it as breakfast cereal, for specialty rice dishes (like Spanish Rice),  salads or a quick add to bean based meals for an extra protein boost. 

At the end of every week we gather up any veggies we can find laying around, nuts and even beans. We throw them in a pan and add rice for a quick, thrifty meal. The trick is adding a good mix of herbs and mirepoix to give it great flavor without resorting to too much salt or soy sauce.

Here is what I found to use this week:

  1. In Dutch oven or big frying pan heat a liberal amount of oil and when hot add
    • 1 chopped onion
    • Garlic to taste
    • 1/2 cup mirepoix
  2. When onions are clear lower the heat
  3. Add herbs; this will vary with the veggies you use, but in this one I added
    • Basil
    • Marjoram
    • Dill
  4. Add 1/2 cup chopped nuts (I like cashews and peanuts best).  Mix thoroughly with veggies and herbs
  5. Chop the veggies (either by hand or with a food processor); this week I had and added:
    • celery
    • green pepper
    • beet greens (from our garden)
    • asparagus
    • corn (left from corn on the cob)
  6. When veggies start to soften add 1/2 to 1 cup water; cover tightly and cook about 5 minutes
  7. Turn the heat up and add the final ingredients:
    • 1 cup brown rice
    • 1 big handful of spinach
    • Salt (to taste)
    • Small squeeze of lemon
  8. Cook on high stirring constantly until spinach is totally wilted and cooked; serve hot
You can use just about any combination of vegetables. I try to balance the green and colored veggies. An alternative veggie mix would use green beans, zucchini, red chard, asparagus and cauliflower and fresh diced 2 tomatoes

Almost any nut will work – pine nuts, peanuts, almonds (especially slivered almonds) or pecans. If you are not vegan adding scrambled eggs is a nice touch.

If you don’t have brown rice you can use white rice, pasta or quinoa instead.

Your imagination is the only limit!

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